July 1st
This is my new "hunting dog" called "BEAUREGARD" I got him from a Cajun that said he was trying start this new breed called "Gatorhoulas" I was skeptical at first till he told me that they were cousins to a Catahoula hound.
July 5th
I'm getting worried because he is supposed to be a fully trained hunting dog but I have not been able to get him to release the prey yet. Although he will fetch the game he just wants to play tug a war. He is a playful little pup, maybe a little too playful, I thought I was going to have to wrestle with him over the pig but we were able to come to an understanding I guess.
July 8th
I have I noticed that he has an attitude toward other dogs for some reason. When other dogs come around he wants to square off on them and fight them. I guess some dogs are like that though.
July 14th
I think today I am going to start leash training Beauregard. I can't wait to take him to the park. I think everyone is going to take notice of him. He will probably will catch everybody's attention. I will get back with you later on how it goes.
July 16th
Leash training did not go as I had hoped for. For some reason he kept fighting me when I tried to put on his leash. Anyhow I do think he is pretty smart because he knows what I mean when I say sit or lay down he does that pretty well. I am trying to figure out how to stop him from trying to fight with the other dogs because he just like to play a little rough.
July 20th
A game warden came by the house and started asking me if I had noticed anything strange because there were a rash of neighbors that have reported their dogs and cats missing. I told him thanks for the warning so I could watch out for my new dog.
July 28
I think I am going to train Beauregard to be a duck hunting dog. I took him down to the lake today with a friend who was training his dogs for the up coming duck season and boy he took to that water like he was born for it. He was a better swimmer than the other dogs because they apparently drowned they never came back. My friend sure is torn up about it.
August 2nd
Last night someone tried to break into the house and I guess Beauregard scared them away. He scared them so bad they left behind their shoes I guess they were trying to be quite and they left behind a pistol grip Mossberg 12 gauge pump shotgun. Boy I have always wanted one of those. I think I've found a new type of hunting- guard dog. I highly recogmend them and if you would like I will introduce you to the guy that sold me mine.
I. M. Looney.