Jeremiah 16:16 NIV "But now I will send for many fishermen," declares the LORD, "and they will catch them. After that I will send for many hunters, and they will hunt them down on every mountain and hill and from the crevices of the rocks.
Well tomorrow we will kick off our new church plant called Impact Cowboy Church of Nacogdoches. Along with the help and support of Liberty Fellowship and The Vine Fellowship of Arlington, TX we are about to kick off our new work. The thing about Cowboy Church is that there is at least a little cowboy in every American. We as American always pull for the under dog and we fancy ourselves as people like John Wayne in the movies. We walk around with a little swagger and we have confidence that can't be shaken but we all know as people we have our flaws. John Wayne in his personal life had many flaws such as alcohol and women. Two big weak points for most men, although he is remembered for being larger than life he still died of Cancer I believe.
Please don't think I dislike John Wayne because I love to catch a good J.W. movie but he represents the fallen man in all of us. In my first two messages I will be preaching about a Biblical character named Nehemiah and he was the real Godly version of John Wayne. He rode into town with a purpose and didn't care who he offended because he served God. He was a real cowboy at heart in Neh 2-11-15 It talk about Nehemiah going out to inspect the walls of of Jerusalem well he went riding on horse back at night so he could secretly examine the wall now with the wall being torn down and rubble being everywhere he had to be a good horseman just to make the ride. Well when he got together with everyone he told them what God wanted him to do and man they came on board with him because he was a leader.
One last thing and it is a small thing but most cowboys have had to deal with alcohol at some point in there life. So did Nehemiah he was the cup bearer for the King, you could say that he got his start serving alcohol because I don't think too many Kings had cup bearers to get them a glass of milk. ;-D just kidding
Next week I will be talking about the revival that broke out once they started listening to the Word of God. I am excited to see what God is doing for us and I hope you will be able to come see us in Nacogdoches, (ROB)