I am my letter from this weeks bulletin. I have been going through some tough times this week and this little incident put everything into perspective for me, I hope it helps you out with things that you are dealing with.
This week has been a hard week I have had to walk through some trials by fire as a Pastor as well as having a Personal hard time. I have been working pressure washing a fence on a ranch on Hwy 7 trying to make some extra money to help offset some expenses that we have as a Family. It's not hard work but it is a tedious type job. Sometimes you wish something would happen just so you could have a little excitement. Well you know the old saying "Watch what you ask for, because you just might get it". Well I got my excitement this week and it only cost me a little pride so far.

I was pulling a big pressure washer behind my pickup, which had about 500 gals of water in it. I was in the ranch owner's driveway and I decided that I was going to turn around and back to the barn. When I tried to turn around I swung wide and went off the driveway just by a foot or so to get that little extra space, but what I did not know was that the yard sprinklers had been going and the grass was wet. Can you see where I am going with this? I got STUCK with my drive wheel stuck in the grass just one foot off the driveway. I tried to pull out, but I couldn't get it out. I called a friend, and after careful consideration, we decided to unhook from the trailer and move over. The weight of the load was keeping the truck stuck.
I was reminded about what Jesus said in
Matthew 7:13-14 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.No matter how far off the narrow path you go, you are not on the road that leads to life. So let's make sure we don't off roading and slinging mud everywhere.
Pastor Stan