Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Study the instructions

Yesterday, I had the task to put together a new office deck we bought for the church. I was ready to get it going and get it put together, but was wondering how I was going to do it by myself. The instruction book said that it would take two people three hours to put it together so I was a little worried. I have learned one thing in my life and that is if the manufacturer gives you a instructions book READ IT!!! The instruction book is your friend, most men will not use it because they think they are smarter than 90% of the other people who bought that product and that is where you get into trouble. There is nothing worse than having three desk legs going in the right direction and one on the top of the desk, or having the desk drawers messed up by not having the rollers on right and breaking them in the drawer area in desk or having it collapse because you missed a support brace.

I think we have all pulled big pieces of stupid like that before so don't be offended when I say that we could all avoid the problems of life by reading the instructions. I took the instructions yesterday and spent lunch looking them over front to back trying to understand the big picture and the whole process so I could understand why I had to connect A to F and not to B. There was a definite plan that I had to follow and when I tried to deviate form the plans that is when I started messing up. It is a very humbling experience when you come to the point when you can say that the person who wrote the instruction book was smarter than yourself.

I have found out that the best instruction book I have ever found is the Holy Bible. God wrote it to be an instruction book for us to read and to follow so that we could build our lives that correct way. When you are reading the Bible you will notice that problems are easily avoided by reading the instruction book that God wrote for us. It is 100% reliable regardless of what the Da Vinci Code tries to say. People have tried to discredit the Word of God through out time to no avail.
The Bible will out live this and in a matter of time Dan Brown will be name that no one can remember, but the name of Jesus Christ will still be called on to set people free and bring salvation to to the lost. The knowledge of Jesus will give you life whereas the knowledge of man just brings death. Your choice. Blessings

Monday, May 22, 2006

My life as a Father

This weekend was a great weekend. It started out on Saturday morning by ministering at the men's breakfast at a restaurant that is an all you eat buffet. I was really enjoying watching the men eating but afterwards I questioned my wisdom in having it at a buffet because after men eat big meals they want to sleep. As you could imagine it was funny watching them trying to stay awake but it was still a good time and I got to spend time with the men that I love being around.

When Jonathan was born I had to miss a few men's meetings so this was the first one back since January. I missed being with my friends but I missed being with my son that morning even more. I can't wait till the time comes where I can go spend time with him as a man and just enjoy being with him in what he will like to do . When I went home I just sat down with him and spent time with him so I could share with him in his day. My life has opened up since I have him in my life. I am experiencing a deeper love than I have ever known you could have. Now I can see why God loves his children so much and can't wait to spend time with us. When Jonathan smiles at me my heart melts and now I see when we spend time in unselfish prayer God's heart must melt toward us.

Trust me the most moving thing you can experience is being married to a great woman like I am and having a child like Jonathan . God will entrust you with Children and it is an incredible experience to feel the love of the Father through your Family. When you see it in this light it makes you realize what a responsiblity being a man of God is. We don't have the option of failing. We are men of God we have to lead and love our families so get prayed up and let God spend some time with his child. Blessings.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A fruitful harvest

In the wilds of North America there are herds of large game animals such as the mighty and noble looking Elk. One look at them and you are carried away with wild imaginations of hunting and harvesting a prize bull and then having it stuffed and mounted on your wall in the den so you can recount of all the glorious details of the hunt. It is a physical and visible trophy of how you overcome adversity to achieve the goal, sort of your fruit of your labor. Most people don't realize that it is never just about the kill, it is all about overcoming the adversity of the hunt.

It is easy for a hunter to get what is called the blood lust where they are driven by one thing and one thing only and that is the kill. There is a difference between a responsible hunter and a beginner hunter that has blood lust. The difference between them is that a responsible hunter will no longer just shoot the first thing that pops up, but they will patiently wait for the right one that they are looking for and that may not be just a trophy animal. When you hunt you take on the role of a predator over these animals and it is our responsibility to help insure the health of the herd by taking out the weakest animals, the ones who are lame, diseased, or just not up to snuff genetically that are concidered cull animals. Culls are the animals that need to be harvested from the herd so that they do not endanger the health of the other animals. You need to keep them from comsuming large portion of the available resources such as food and water supplies that might be better used to preserve the more healthy animals.

Recently we have seen the release of wolves back into state parks where they have great herds of Buffalos and Elk and have notice a dramatic improvement of the health of the herds because the predators are trimming the herd back so that the stronger animals live and pass on the strongest genes. It is important to remember that this is the way that God created the animal kingdom because there always has to be a checks and balance system in our faith as well.

John 15:1-8 NIV
The Vine and the Branches "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciple.

There has to be a pruning of the sick and non productive limbs so that the the whole tree will be able to live and not die. There is a reward for the pruning because it is for the Glory of God, so you can be stronger and it will insure that your spiritual DNA is preserved throughout the generations so that even your children's children will be blessed because of the Godly traits that will passed down through your faithfulness.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Father's Voice

Hello everyone this is my first blog ever so please be patient with me as we go. I have recently had the most incredible thing happen to me, On April 11, 2006 My wife gave birth to my first son which we named Jonathan David King. They had to do a c-section because My wife had been in labor for 12 hours and were becoming worried and decided that it was the time to take action and help her along the way. They gave me my scrubs so I could go in and be there to support and be an encourager to her. They had given me some pretty strict instructions and I agreed to follow them to the letter of the law as they required. During the c-section I was like a deer in the headlights frozen with fear, anticipation, and a long to see my son. When they finally pulled Jonathan out of Caye they passed him around the room to a cleaning station where a nurse started the cleaning process. It is amazing how they handle babies at the hospital, they have a tendency to be kind of rough with them, so I am about to get mad but I had to remind myself that they are the professionals and I am just a bystander. I was torn between looking at my son and looking at my wife who was experiencing a great ordeal of discomfort and pain. Finally the nurse that was cleaning Jonathan asked me if I wanted to come see my son so I leapt across the room and stood by the cradle where he was screaming loudly. The very first words that I spoke to him was "Jonathan this is you Father, I love you", when I spoke to him he immediately quit crying and started looking at me. The nurse told my that I could touch him so I reached down and took his hands and held them and talked to him for about twenty minutes. While I was talking to him and telling him how much I loved him, something came to mind John 10:27 NIV My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I understood something then, Jonathan had never seen me but had been able to hear my voice through the womb and he knew it as being his Father's voice.
Sometimes we forget that while we are in the dark we are in the perfect place to grow and hear our Father's voice. He longs to come over to you and hold you and comfort you and the good thing is you do not have to even be cleaned up for him to want to touch you. We should always be looking for the time when we feel alone so we can listen for him to tell you that he is your Father and that he loves you.
If you are lonely and need God to touch you just wait and listen for his voice so he can comfort you in a way that only a Father can.