Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Study the instructions

Yesterday, I had the task to put together a new office deck we bought for the church. I was ready to get it going and get it put together, but was wondering how I was going to do it by myself. The instruction book said that it would take two people three hours to put it together so I was a little worried. I have learned one thing in my life and that is if the manufacturer gives you a instructions book READ IT!!! The instruction book is your friend, most men will not use it because they think they are smarter than 90% of the other people who bought that product and that is where you get into trouble. There is nothing worse than having three desk legs going in the right direction and one on the top of the desk, or having the desk drawers messed up by not having the rollers on right and breaking them in the drawer area in desk or having it collapse because you missed a support brace.

I think we have all pulled big pieces of stupid like that before so don't be offended when I say that we could all avoid the problems of life by reading the instructions. I took the instructions yesterday and spent lunch looking them over front to back trying to understand the big picture and the whole process so I could understand why I had to connect A to F and not to B. There was a definite plan that I had to follow and when I tried to deviate form the plans that is when I started messing up. It is a very humbling experience when you come to the point when you can say that the person who wrote the instruction book was smarter than yourself.

I have found out that the best instruction book I have ever found is the Holy Bible. God wrote it to be an instruction book for us to read and to follow so that we could build our lives that correct way. When you are reading the Bible you will notice that problems are easily avoided by reading the instruction book that God wrote for us. It is 100% reliable regardless of what the Da Vinci Code tries to say. People have tried to discredit the Word of God through out time to no avail.
The Bible will out live this and in a matter of time Dan Brown will be name that no one can remember, but the name of Jesus Christ will still be called on to set people free and bring salvation to to the lost. The knowledge of Jesus will give you life whereas the knowledge of man just brings death. Your choice. Blessings

1 comment:

Brad Irons said...

Hmmm... instructions... instructions... wait. I have those around here somewhere.

Good post, Stan! I like your blog. So I'll be linking it to mine.

Keep the faith! But don't forget to give it away!
