Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Looking back to the past.

Here recently I received a phone call from a director of a international Christian outdoors magazine called "the Christian Sportsman" letting me know that they published an article that I had submitted to them over a year ago. Well you could imagine my surprise when they called, I had almost forgot that I had submitted it to the magazine. When he told me that he had published the article which was called " Be still and know that I am God" I had to get back to my computer and reread what I had wrote.

I was surprised how much it ministered to me personally because I had wrote it in one the worst possible times in my life which I will not talk about right now, but I was amazed when I saw what God had done with my wife and I throughout that year. God had come in and healed a great loss in our lives and has blessed us with a new baby boy. He had taken our hurt and turned it around and gave us joy.

So when you look back at your painful times in your life, remember they come to pass not to stay. I have found God in my sad days and danced with him in my celebration days. If you want to see what God is doing in your present life and your future all you have to do is look to your past and see what he has done for you then and then you will see what he is going to do in your present and future life.


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