For a man who tried to build himself as a war hero in the last presidential race, "U shore aint got know cents!" I am a War Vet myself and what you think is a lack of education I call Patriotism, what you call stupidity I call Honor , what you call ignorance I call Loyalty.
Let me tell you one thing sir, and I use that term loosely, I have never been so embarrassed by a member of my Gov't as what you did this week. I do realize that you are not a man of Honor, nor are you a man of Integrity. The comment you made, or should I say tried to make, shows that yes even after the clinton/lewinski ordeal we went through there is still a new low that I did not think possible to sink to, and fear not you found it.
You are a man who should be living a distinguished life as an Elder Statesman. You should have more intelligence or at least decency to understand that our Men and Women in the Armed service are doing something that is good, decent, and honorable. They are trying to bring stability and order in a part of the world that needs it badly. Please remind me who was it that came in and started working on making sure that schools were built, power was available , and water was running, well it sure was not you. Who is laying down their lives to defend a people from pure evil, I will give you one guess and yes you guessed it right, it is not you. Who is standing Guard tonight in a cold check point defending his brothers in arms while you and your wealthy wife live in the lap of luxury in a nice warm house that most of us true Americans will never be able to afford.
That sir, which is a term you do not deserve, takes true nerve to criticize the American Service men and women for doing what they thought they should be doing which is defending our moral responsibility of defending the world from terrorist.
I also would like to know how you would be able to look at a wife, a mother, or a child who has lost a loved one in the service of our Country and tell them, "Well Bless your heart, your loved one died because he was too stupid to go to college and get good grades."
Sir, which I use sarcastically, I understand your wife is French if I am not mistaken, I am sure that France would open up their arms to receive you as a citizen so please leave and don't even worry about getting your passport stamped because quess what even the custom agents are defending our Country or on second thought go ahead they may need the practice of doing a body/cavity search. Sir, which you are underserving of being called. Have made a complete fool of yourself and everything America stands for, good day and good bye.
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