This is a friend of mine named Loran Richardson, he is a youth pastor at a church called New Freedom Church in Webb, Alabama He was able to harvest this buck on Saturday it weighed close to 175 lbs Nice buck!
I wanted to take the time to brag on him because of what he has been able to do as a youth pastor. He has served with integrity and with hard work and faithfulness and with God's favor has done some great things there. In fact he sponsored a city wide worship event this summer that had multiple church and multiple denominations attend and help participate. Matt 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. I can see since he has been faithful in the things of God, God is blessing him in many areas. I am lucky to have him as a friend and what makes it all that more special is that he is only 24 yrs old. I love seeing the young people serve God. I see people like him as special because in his generation the people are a different sort of people, He is like Caleb in the fact that he has a different kind of spirit. He continues to be a great source of joy to me.
In Alabama they have an over abundance of deer that he can hunt for, but he is about to come here to Texas to do some hunting and I am getting excited about it. I am hoping some of his good fortune will rub of on me. I can honestly say that he is a righteous man and has stayed true and I think the reward shows in his life by his fruit. Good job and congrats Loran. If you want look him up he is at www.newfreedomchurch.org The church that he serves at is an awesome church as well. Check them out and enjoy.
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