This has been a long and difficult year as well as a deeply rewarding year to me and my family. It started off with my wife having to be on bed rest so she would not have a miscarriage and trust me that was not fun for her. I had to help her with the things she could not do and for a person who is used to doing something herself it is hard to rely on someone else to do it for her.
Well, God is good and delivered her through that time and the baby came. We named him Jonathan David King Because he had been prophesied that he would be a Gift of God which is what the name of Jonathan means, David after my spiritual Father which means Beloved of God and King because that is our last name and I feel is appropriate because we serve the King of all kings.
Financially this has been the hardest year I have seen as an adult but God is good and just to save and he has. Let's keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Heb 10:23 He has always provided even when I began to doubt.
I have seen a relationship with my father and my brother be restored and fall away again. They are leaving and moving back to Florida because they don't like living here and find it hard to fit into our lives because of our faith differences. I am one that believes that just the minimum is not ok. I feel like if I carry the Cross brand, I should ride for the Brand (an old cowboy saying.)
I nearly lost my wife for the second time due to a ruptured appendix. She had been walking around for two days with it being ruptured and fortunately God stepped in and kept her protected with a deposit of fat that plugged and sealed the rupture so nothing leaked out.
My son just turned eight months old and and he is making me prouder everyday. So this year I plan on sitting around the table and giving a long testimony of the things that I am thankful for this year.
I am also in the middle of planning for a new church plant that is to be called "Impact Church" in Nacogdoches, TX. The word Impact means to have an impact or effect on; influence; alter. I always have liked being a impact player in sports or business and I can't wait to be an impact player for the Kingdom of God in Nacogdoches, TX. It is the hardest time of my life but also the most exciting time of my life. A new beginning and unfortunately an ending of what I am doing now. I wonder sometimes what it will be like to be away from my church family and friends but I get reminded that Pastor spoke over me at a staff retreat that I am about to shoot out of the starting blocks and that they would be there to cheer me on. He also told me that I would be a long distance runner, and this is how my race will be run always looking down the road looking for the Son to rise and never stopping nor giving up. That is my charge, something different, something new, I am sure glad I have the assurance of God, because without it I would run away screaming.
God you are Awesome, I love you and can't wait to see what you will do with us this next year with all the changes that are coming for me and my family.
Love you, Stan
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