Tuesday, September 05, 2006

"Be still and know that I am God."

I recently got an article published in a magazine called the "Christian Sportmen" so I thought I would share with you.

It is the middle of August in North Texas and the only thing that a true sportsman here can think about is the opening of dove season on September 1st. The hunting fever as I call it is starting to run through the area like a disease unchecked. It is a time for Fathers to buy their sons their first Remington 870 pump shotgun or their first hunting rifle so they can share in a time honored heritage of hunting that we treasure so highly, that we long to pass it down to the next generation. Every father dreams of watching his son take his first dove, turkey, or deer as long as the son does not outdo the father. Even though there is a pride in watching them, there is also a competition between them. It can be an awkward thing for a father to watch his children become of age and knowing that they are not too far away from becoming adults themselves who will go out and start their own families. It is a right of passage to manhood and a circle that we pray will never be unbroken. It is also a symbol of our own desire to go out on a walk with our heavenly Father and do well so that he might look down on us with that same fatherly pride.

Due to waiting for the right person God had for us, my wife and I are just now starting in that direction to having children. Although we do not have children yet we do have two dogs that seem to be like our children though, and recently I learned the greatest thing that sometimes we need to relearn over and over from my dog Sam, which is a Welch Springer Spaniel that I found at the animal shelter. I remember the day I found him there as I walked into the shelter and all of those dogs there were going crazy barking and running around trying to catch your attention when low and behold there was this beautiful bird dog just sitting there looking all noble and proud, he was just dead calm while he was in the middle of pure chaos as only a bird dog can. Well he won my heart with that peaceful demeanor and after going back home and making a fool of myself with this crazy story about this dog to my wife, after taking her to go see the dog she agreed that he could come home with us, thus started a relationship that I treasure to this day.

He has a simple life here at our house. He keeps us company and gives companionship to our other dog Mitzy, (which is an entirely different story). For his and our entertainment he likes to play fetch with his squeaky toys and he takes a great interest in the birds in the yard by watching through the front door or off the front porch. I know that he will never win any awards for being a championship bird dog, but Sam is secure in our relationship because he knows that his master loves him, feeds him, fellowships with him, provides all of his medical needs, and will give him all the little squeaky toys that he can handle. The only thing that I as his master ask of him is to be happy to see me when I come home and sit there in devoted fellowship and let me pet him, (which is beneficial to both him and me).

When Sam wants attention he will come up to me and lay his head on my lap and he will stay there for hours or until I recognize him and give him the attention that he longs for. You may ask what does all this have to do with the price of shotgun shells at the store, well it don't have anything to do with that at all, but it is about a great relationship with God.

Two weeks ago we were having one of those worship times at church where the presence of God was so evident and strong I took note at one song we were singing that said "I just want to lay back on you and breath and hear you speak". Well I was reminded about Jesus' brother John when he rested back on Jesus and he just rested in him and was close enough to hear God breath, if you get close enough to hear him breath you will be able hear him speak. That day I was moved in worship but later that day I was still saying Jesus where you are so I can lean back on you. Well Sam walks up to me and lays his head on my lap and starts wagging his tail and low and behold the scriptures comes to me out of Psalms 46:10-11 Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.

Well the more I thought about it the more I saw my relationship with God was just like my relationship with Sam but reversed. There are times when I come home and if he does not meet me at the door I know something is wrong. He has probably had an "accident" or he has royally messed up something in the house. When that has happens the peace in our relationship suffers because he is hiding under the bed because of the shame that is upon him just like Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:8-10 Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called to the man, "Where are you? He answered, "I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid."

I feel that God was hurt that day to see the ones he so dearly loved trembling in fear before him because of the shame of disobedience had entered into them. I know that it did not take him by surprise, but it still hurt him because the relationship with his children was stained the same way the hurt and pain comes across me because of the breaking of the trust I put in him to take care of my house and to protect it. I know Sam will eventually let me down from time to time because he is not perfect because he is just a dog. I also have learned that like Adam and Eve he will hide under that bed not wanting to face me because he knows that he hurt me and brought shame into the relationship with his master and he don't want to see me hurt or upset. If left up to him he would hang his head and leave and never look up again and become a refugee from my fellowship knowing that he can never make it up to me.

God had to sacrifice his own son at Calvary to atone for the sins of man so the relationship could be restored John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Just as God made the first move to reconcile the relationship with man, I find it is up to me to make the first move to reconcile the relationship between Sam and I and because I love him I would give anything for that dog within my power to protect him and to keep him beside me, I am the one who comes down to where he is at and talks to him. I have to punish him for some of the things he does but there are times when he has accidents that are not his fault because maybe he is sick, or was left in the house too long. I have to remember that he will always feel guilty and will be in constant need of reassurance of our relationship. I try to be a forgiving master and that is when I see the greatness of God even in my weakness he is my Master and will lean down to find me and reconcile the relationship we have which I can not do. God wanted to walk in the garden and talk to Adam and Eve, even as I want to get in the truck and go for a ride with Sam. The next time your dog puts his head on your lap and wags his tail, honestly ask yourself if you have spent time in the lap of your master our Lord God.

May your hunting year be joyful and safe and make sure God shares your tree stand with you, and you with him. Stanley T. King Psalms 128:2

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