Recently we have had some controversy going on about a football athlete that has come to play for our local professional football team. There were and still are some rumors flying about that he may or may not have tried to commit suicide. I for one am tired of hearing about every move this particular man makes and wish the news media would allow him to settle in to what he is supposed to be doing here and that is playing football.
This morning I sat watching the news and saw him trying to explain what happened. He tried to explain that it was a mistake and that the police report was wrong, because it said that he admitted that he was trying to hurt himself. He stated that is was all a misunderstanding of what happened and their was no reason to be alarmed. His publicists states that he has twenty-five million reasons to be happy referring to his three year contract of course.
There were rumors that he was depressed because of a break up with his girl friend and was not being allowed to see his daughter, and with the news coverage that he gets it would be hard to have some down time to recover after a personal loss of a relationship like that.
I am not passing judgment on him but I do see a person who his crying out for help. Sometimes we put up fronts so that people can not see the present living conditions of where we are living our lives. I saw this picture and thought how we as people usually live in a house trailer while we try and keep up our appearances and ride around in some flashy vehicle.
When we try showing a different life and not showing who we really are people will always attack you wanting to know what is going on and they will not stop till they find out something that they think you are hiding. It is better to live a transparent life style so that people can see right trough us and know what is going on.
In John 1:46 When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said of him, "Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false." Nathanael apparently live a very transparent lifestyle so that there was not "misunderstandings" about him. I see that as a wonderful compliment from the Lord about him at that time. I know that you may not see the connection between the two situations but it is there. We as men have to realize that we are human and we have our faults but it is ok to show when we are hurt and need help. We are not called to be Supermen but called to be men that are super.
Remember there is only one that will never let you down and that is Jesus Christ. He is our Hope of Glory, anything less is just hype and that always fails.
T.O. we love you, but more so Jesus Christ loves you. I am praying that you can receive the love and comfort that only he can give you.
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