Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Daddies little boy

After being gone for awhile, I thought that I would share with you why. I want to introduce you to Jonathan David King. Born April 11, 2006 9 lbs 14 0z. More importantly he was a Gift of God. I have spending time getting to know him and his personality. I am loving it and can't wait to go home every night and play and feed him. I am finding more joy than I ever thought possible.

Last year right after we found out my wife was pregnant a visiting pastor prophesied that we were going to have a baby boy and that he was going to be a "Gift of God". He kept repeating it over and over six times. That was on Sunday and on Wednesday we went to the doctors office and they were able to confirm through a sonogram that it was a boy. The name Jonathan in the Hebrew means "gift of God" so it was fitting for him. The middle name we gave him was after my Pastor David because he has been such a father figure to me in the ministry and in normal life. David means Beloved of God. With a name that literally means A gift of God, Beloved of God, King represents the servant child of God.

I know you are asking what has any of this to do with the price of tea in China and I am happy to say it has nothing to do with it but in the Kingdom of God it has everything with my Father in heaven. We have had some hard times trying to have children but we feel like God has spoken into our lives and has told us we were going to have children. It could have been easy to give up but I know what the Bible says about the promises and the faithfulness of God. In Hebrews 10:23 HIV says "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful".

I just want to let you know if you listen and search for the promises of God you will hear them and know that they will be fulfilled because "He who has promised is faithful". The Bible says that he is a respecter of no man with means that he will bless you as much as he would me or any other person. I have received great blessings from God that I don't deserve, so can you.
Be blessed in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Mountain man time

Have you ever been in a place in your life where you know that you have to go the mountain and spend some time away from all the stress and worries that everyday life puts upon you? I think we all have wanted to run away at times and just not deal with things and hope that the problems will blow away. I have found that problems are problems because they are real, whether we created them because we did something that brought them to life or we inherited them from situations that we are involved in. They are real and they have to be dealt with, sorry no wat around it. They never go they just grow.

The pressures that we experience as leaders of our families, at our Churches, and our work places have away of tearing you apart. We as men need to take the time to experience God on the Mountain, I think about people like Moses and I know that there had to be times where he really looked forward to getting away from the people and spending time alone with God being refreshed and revived within God's presence.

Jesus himself took time to get away and spend time with God in prayer. I have found this to be a commandment that sometimes can be a struggle for us men to deal with. I myself have a new born baby, a tired wife that has spent her whole day taken care of him, finances, and family issues that I am having to deal with at this present time that I find a little over whelming at times, sometimes I feel like shrinking away kind of like what Elijah did. Sometimes a cave looks pretty good don't it?

I am a man who loves to hunt and spend time in the woods releaving myself of the stress and worries that I have. I have learned that while I am out there, I am not just hunting for deer or elk but I am hunting for God to seek his face. The scriptures say's in Matthew7: 7-8 that if you seek you will find, knock and the door will be opened, ask and you will recieve. I believe that God is always waiting for us to seek him because he wants to be with us.

One of my favorite songs is by Paul Overstreet called " Wise men still seek Him" because it takes a wise man to know that he needs God for direction, wisdom, and strength. I have found that wisdom in the Book of Proverbs will cost all you have, but get understanding. It sure helps when you need God to show you his plans for you here on this crazy world

When you go before the presence of God nothing else matters at that time it is just you and God. You can be transformed through prayer to become like a GPS unit. Instead of being a global position satelite you will become a Godly Prepared Servant. in Proverbs 3: 5-6 say's Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowlegde Him and he will make your paths straight. See Picture.

Althought I struggle sometimes I always turn to God because the more I have trusted Him in my life the more I can see Him. I desire to see him in all aspects of my life. I also desire to be able to pass down a legacy to my son of being a hunter for Christ.
How about it are you ready for a mountain top experience? Let me know about your God moments.