Wednesday, August 09, 2006

You know what I mean Vern?

Have you ever wondered how certain sayings get started? Growing up I used to hear them and say what does that mean? Sayings like
1) "I love you to death"
2)"if you are waiting on me your backing up"
3) "I can love you from a distance"
4) "I brought you into this world and I can take you out!" I also like the one about
5) "If you find a shiny penny pick it up and it will bring you good luck for the rest of the day."

I see life a little differently I guess. I would rather say
1) "I will love you till the day that I die"
2) "Look, I am going on ahead do you want to join me or stay behind?"
3) "I just don't like being around you.
4) "You are making me mad and I am about to fix your problem!
5) "If I find a million dollars it would make my day as well as a lot of other people because I can tithe on a million dollars and bless a lot of people as a benefactor.

What it all come down to is this do you want people to always wonder what you mean or are you willing to be direct and leave no doubt about what you say.
We have more relationships that fail we because we don't say what we feel and we don't feel what we say.

We need our Yes to mean a Yes and our No to mean No. I have found that when I speak up for how I feel about something I notice a huge change in my relationship with my wife and friends because we can get down to the root issues and deal with them and move on. Trust me the things that hurt the most are unresolved issues because they will reach up and bite you when you are least prepared to deal with it.

I did some pre martial counseling with a couple one time and after I finished the first session with them they had realized that they had nothing in common and broke up and quite coming to church at our church. Well you may ask what did I do to break them up and was that the right thing to do? Yes it was right, because they had realized that they had never effectively communicated together what they wanted or needed from each other so when I showed them how to communicate then they realized they were not right for each other. That was not meant to say that it was easy for them it hurt but they got through it. I still get picked on for breaking them up but I know it was not me that broke them up but was them being able to understand that their relationship was not built on communication which come through trust, but on something else that was not strong enough to stand the test of time.

The next time you feel like you don't want to take the time to communicate in the correct way just remember that "every pitch you do not swing at is one you never get back." Or "You can strike out by not swinging as well".


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