Monday, October 13, 2008

busy times

It feels like forever since I have been able to blog. Oct 5th we celebrated our one year anniversary at the church so we had a big dinner on the grounds and we had a blessing in having my pastor David Kerr and his wife Debbie long with Mike and Jane Bailey come down to be with us.

Pastor Mike ministered to my leadership team on Saturday night and he did a great job teaching about how America had to step up and defend itself against professional military with just volunteers. Eventually we overcame and was victorious. He was able to show that the church even though it is under attack, we can overcome the enemy by who we serve. We have to rise and and serve a cause that is bigger than ourselves.

Pastor David ministered on Sunday and he gave us a prophetic word about going on past the hurts of the past and look to the joy of the future. He spoke about Isa 54 and said to enlarge our tents and lengthen our cords and strenghten our stakes. He spoke over me about leading those that want to come and the ones that want to leave will leave. I am reminded that we are always on a journey. We are like migratory animals we need to keep on the move and keep looking for new feeding grounds, if we don't we will eventually wind up starving to death. My biggest fear is that ICCN would become a "us four and no more type of church"

This week I gave a message about enlarging our tents and getting ready to change and why we should be looking to serve our Lord through reaching out past our comfort zone. I am the first one to say as a Pastor it hurts to see people leave and I would want everyone to stay but sometimes you have to go ahead and let them go.

I am now looking forward to the future and what God has in store for us. I hope to see you here soon.

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