Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What a blast!

What a blast I had this weekend. I went to go preach at a church in Denton, TX that has been in the middle of a major change. The Pastor has stepped down and the congregation has been in a hard place. I was sent there to love on them and for the first time I experience a side of ministry that was so awesome. The Lord gave me direction to just be real with them so I let formality take a back seat and just speak to them like they were old friends that I had not seen in a while. I found it strange that they had certain things that the old pastor would not allow and when they told me about some of them I decided that it was time to so them something different. I got to walk the isle and even touch them as I walked by. I saw there hearts melt when I would stop by and and touch a man's shoulder or just spend time sharing with them the word that the lord had given for them.

It did not go exactly like I planned but I think it was better. I got them to laugh, some cried, some shouted back in rejoicing and praising the Lord. I asked them if they would be willing to be interactive in praising the Lord and they responded. It was fun and I am thankful I had they chance to see people respond to my antidotes of life. I was explaing that my wife and I were about to go to Nacogdoches and how I thought is was funny that the Lord would send a cowboy from High Springs, FL to start a cowboy church in Nacogdoches, TX and how I thought that was an oxy moron and they started laughing but agreed that God had a sence of humor as well.

I hated to leave because I think my 15 month old son found him a girl friend there, and it was great to watch him play with her. Any who all said and done it was awesome. Thanks Pastor David for the chance to share with them.


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